Friday, November 25, 2011

How surprising!

The other night Sister Anderson and I were asked what surprised us the most about serving missions. First thing out of my mouth? "How much I love it." Who would'a thought!

I remember returned missionaries saying things like "It was the hardest two years of my life... and I LOVED it!" and I would think "No, thank you." The phrase "HARDEST TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE" isn't really the best sales pitch ever.

But here I am! With such a stereotypical phrase drooling out of my mouth like "How much I love it!". I make myself sick. In the following seconds, I did a quick "WHO AM I" in my head, whimpered a little, then channeled my inner Julie B. Beck and smoothed the whole thing over with a smile.

Really, though, I love serving a mission. When else can I be such an active instrument in God's hands? When else can I dedicate myself 24/7 to serving my Savior? Even in the darkest times, I am grateful because I am here. I am grateful to be able to see how far I've come emotionally and spiritually. I am grateful for the woman I am becoming.

And yes, I am that missionary, and I LOVE IT!