Thursday, January 5, 2012

Note to future sister missionaries:

My Danskos murdered my feet. I hear that the clog Danskos are much better, though, so if you do have Danskos, not all is lost. Maybe they work for you. They just didn't work for me.

But what did work was Dr. Scholl's. From the second I put them on, my feet were perfectly content. I didn't even need to break them in. Are they stylish? No. Did I meet a 63 year old Bishop's wife on my mission who had the exact same style/size/width of Dr. Scholl's shoe that I did? Yes. Will I ever wear them again? Probably only in the privacy of my own home, and definitely never on dates. But they work! And they are at least $80 cheaper than the Danskos I originally bought. Hope that helps someone out there!