Thursday, December 15, 2011


by Liz Lemon Swindle

I am not a mother, but I rejoice in the mothers around me, and in that divine quality of womahood, and I look forward to that day when I someday will be a mother to my own children. I've especially had a chance to reflect on motherhood over the last few weeks as I've considered Mary, mother of Jesus. I love the scriptural account, and also the new videos about the birth of Christ. I even love being a total nerd and reading about Mary in Jesus the Christ. (If you've ever wanted to delve deep into Christ's life and teachings, Jesus the Christ is probably your best bet). And staying on the subject of motherhood, I also love reading birthing stories of strong, faithful LDS women. (Caution to men on the previous links there). God made women strong, and I love that!

I love being an LDS woman, and I love that this gospel honors womanhood, and helps me to reach my full potential. I know that God has a plan for each of us. Just as Mary was called to be the earthly mother of our Savior, we all have our individual roles to fulfill. Some of us may be mothers, some may not. Some may naturally be able to have children, some may adopt, and some may experience both. Some women have roles that extend significantly beyond the home, while some may have the blessing to be called the matriarch of generations. Some women are teachers, some are creators; some live in poverty, some live in privilege. Whatever our lives may lead us to, we have the blessing of knowing that we are daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us. I am so grateful!

So that is what my pondering of Mary has brought me to. We may not all be "Mary"'s, but we all have a divine purpose, and as we read our scriptures, pray, and follow God to the best of our abilities, we will come to know more and more of that purpose and find great joy in it.